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Why the Quality of Your Windows Matters

Written by Amy Wood | 11 February, 2016, 11:00AM

The picture to the left shows the inside of a window. As you can see, windows are complex structures that help keep your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter while allowing a clear view to the outside world and a steady stream of light coming in. When it comes to building a new home, renovating, or adding to an existing one, there are some things that get a lot of thought, and others that get hardly any.  Bathrooms, kitchens, paint colors and flooring definitely fall into the former category.  Plumbing, electrical and things like windows tend to fall into the latter.

However, like many other forgotten elements of your home, windows have a very important role to play in how your home functions and how comfortable it is. Here’s why choosing quality windows for your home is so important.

Keeping Your Home Well Insulated

A well-insulated home costs less in heating and cooling. That’s better for your utility bill and the environment, and it’s definitely an important factor in new homes and renovations and additions. Good quality double glazing, and properly sealed windows installed correctly play a huge role in your home’s insulation.

Make sure your windows are manufactured from low emission glass, with weather sealing built into the unit, and you should have windows that offer better R values.

Keeping Moisture Out

Another major job your windows have to perform in your home is to keep moisture out, whether it comes from rain, melting ice or condensation. Properly sealed, watertight windows themselves are critical, but installation and sealing around the window is just as important.

Safety Matters

Another role the windows in your home need to fulfill is an emergency exit, whether we’re talking about egress windows in your basement or windows on the first or second floor. Windows need to be able to lock and unlock easily, and should slide open and closed quickly and easily, so in an emergency they can be a quick method of escape. Old, worn windows or cheaper windows may stick, which can be a major safety hazard.

Low Maintenance

The days of stripping, sanding and staining window frames are over. These days, windows need to be low maintenance, and preferably have warranties measured in decades. Vinyl and aluminum are two popular materials for window frames, because they’re light, strong, long lasting, don’t corrode and are rigid but flexible enough to literally weather a storm.

Light and Air

Finally, quality windows are designed to do exactly what you expect a window to do: provide lots of natural light and ventilation when they are open. Well-designed windows feature glare blocking glass, integrated bug screens and other features maximize views, light and air, without making your home too hot or allowing insects in.

The good news is if you pay attention to the windows you choose when you are building or renovating, you probably won’t have to worry about them again during the lifespan of your home. Many quality windows come with warranties of twenty-five, thirty or even the lifetime of your ownership, which means you never have to worry about them again. It’s another example of when spending a little more on the best up-front makes good financial sense.