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Refresh Your Apartment with Greenery 8 Best Apartment Plants New Jersey | Country Classics


10 hours ago

Refresh Your Apartment with Greenery: 8 Best Apartment Plants

The Best Indoor Plants for Apartments

You've picked the perfect Frenchtown apartment (perhaps close to bike trails) and moved in. Now, it's time to make this apartment home. House plants are an easy way refresh your apartment, clean the air, and...

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Mythbusting Common Misconceptions About Apartment Living | Country Classics


11 hours ago

Mythbusting Common Misconceptions About Apartment Living

You’ve heard the horror stories and cautionary tales about apartment living. Whether you’re a first-time renter or considering a move to an apartment, it’s important to separate fact from fiction. You might be surprised to find that living in an...

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How to Maximize Small Spaces in Your New Jersey Apartment | Country Classics


10 hours ago

How to Maximize Small Spaces in Your New Jersey Apartment

Living in a New Jersey apartment often means making the most out of limited space. Whether you're in a cozy spot in Fairway 28 or a compact one-bedroom in a bustling part of the city, the challenge is universal: how do you make a small space feel...

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How to Stay Active This Winter – Right from Your Apartment | Country Classics Rentals


6 hours ago

How to Stay Active This Winter – Right from Your Apartment

There’s a reason nature goes into hiding in the winter. Insects die off, bears hibernate, chipmunks tuck themselves away in cozy underground nests, and trees shed their leaves — all because cold conditions are the very opposite of what most living...

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apartment essentials checklist in New Jersey


11 hours ago

First Apartment Essentials Checklist for Young Adults

Are you moving to your first Central New Jersey apartment or your first apartment without roommates? Checking and double-checking all of the minor and major details is the key to a stress-free move-in experience. Our checklist will help you ensure...

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15 hours ago

Minimalism - Is It Right for You?

Embracing minimalism may sound like the perfect solution if your New Jersey apartment feels cluttered and crowded. Before you decide to make the switch, you’ll need to consider how well your lifestyle, home, family and personal beliefs will mesh...

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14 hours ago

Apartment Safety Tips

Your Central New Jersey apartment won’t feel like much of a haven if you’re a victim of a break-in or suffer a fall or another type of injury. Fortunately, staying safe within your home can be as easy as following these simple tips.

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Declutter your new jersey apartment


12 hours ago

6 Tips for Decluttering Your Apartment

Even a small amount of clutter can be overwhelming when you live in an apartment. Clutter in the home has been linked to anxiety, depression, stress and difficulty concentrating, according to an article in the Journal of Environmental Psychology. If...

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remote working in New Jersey


14 hours ago

Will Remote Working Be a New Norm Post COVID-19?

The COVID-19 pandemic completely changed the way we think about work and where it must be done. Despite millions of employees being banned from office buildings, businesses continued to operate normally during lockdowns. In fact, the pandemic...

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7 hours ago

7 Tips for Lowering Your Utility Costs When Renting

It can sometimes be a shock to see a much higher total than you anticipated on a utility bill. Luckily, there are plenty of things you can do as a renter to lower your utility costs in your apartment. The seven tips can help you find ways to save on...

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