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Factors to Consider Before Renting an Apartment | Country Classics


12 hours ago

Factors to Consider Before Renting an Apartment

Finding the perfect apartment can be challenging, especially in ideal locations like Montgomery Township, Frenchtown, Somerset, and Bridgewater, New Jersey. To navigate this process with the least amount of stress, it's important to know what to ask...

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Things to Consider When Renting an Apartment with a Roommate


9 hours ago

Things to Consider When Renting an Apartment with a Roommate

Living with a roommate can be one of the best experiences of your life or the worst. Although it’s important to find New Jersey roommates with personalities and interests that mesh with yours, enjoying the same TV shows doesn’t necessarily guarantee...

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11 Tips for Keeping Your Apartment Clean | Country Classics


13 hours ago

11 Tips for Keeping Your Apartment Clean

Keeping your apartment clean and free of clutter can be a challenge when you have a busy life. At the end of a long day, scrubbing the kitchen floor or putting away laundry is probably the last thing you want to do. Unfortunately, the longer you...

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How to Take Advantage of Apartment Amenities


7 hours ago

How to Take Advantage of Apartment Amenities

One of the best things about living in an apartment is the number of amenities available. From fitness centers to walking trails to dog wash stations, today’s apartment communities offer activities and features designed to appeal to a cross-section...

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6 Tips for Meeting Your Neighbors When You Move into a New Apartment


7 hours ago

6 Tips for Meeting Your Neighbors When You Move to a New Apartment

Characters in TV shows and movies seem to become best friends with their neighbors hours after they move in. Unfortunately, in real life, you may live next door to someone for years and never know their name. Forming relationships with the people...

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Tips for Moving from a Home to an Apartment


7 hours ago

Tips for Moving from a Home to an Apartment

Downsizing to a Central New Jersey apartment makes a lot of sense if you have too much room once the kids move out, or if one-floor living would make your life easier. However, between choosing the right apartment to paring down your belongings, the...

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How to Lower Your Apartment’s Utility Costs


7 hours ago

How to Lower Your Apartment’s Utility Costs

Low utility usage not only saves you money but also decreases your carbon footprint. Whether you’re moving to a Central New Jersey apartment for the first time or are a long-term renter, you’ll want to take advantage of these simple utility savings...

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5 Things to Know About Bridgewater Before You Move There


17 hours ago

5 Things to Know About Bridgewater Before You Move There

It's always a good idea to do some research when you’re planning a move to a new apartment. Information about public transportation, shopping and schools can help you ensure you’re making the right decision. These five factors may help you decide if...

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Should You Move Into a New Apartment in 2019


8 hours ago

Should You Move Into a New Apartment in 2019?

Have you decided if you’ll renew your current lease this year? Although moving can certainly be a hassle, finding a new apartment in Central New Jersey may make sense in certain circumstances. We've outlined some cases in which finding a new...

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Best Places to Keep a Litter Box in an Apartment


7 hours ago

Best Places to Keep a Litter Box in an Apartment

Litter box odors are the last thing you want to smell when you’re preparing dinner or relaxing on your couch in the evening. Unfortunately, if you’re a Central New Jersey apartment dweller, it’s not always easy to find an out-of-the-way spot for the...

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